
Mining indaba, Africa’s largest mining conference, is an anthropologist’s dream. There are the corporate chief executives: alpha males keen to cut big deals for big rocks. There are the engineers staffing stands in bright corporate attire, resembling darts teams on tour, and the colourful African delegations: Ghanaians draped in kente cloth or Congolese dandies with watches the size of clocks. They are offset by Chinese officials in dark suits and Saudis in white thawbs.

开采印达巴,非洲最大的矿业会议,是人类学家的梦 想。还有公司的首席执行官们:那些雄心勃勃的男人们 热衷于为了大石头达成大交易。工程师们穿着明亮的公 司服装,就像巡回赛中的飞镖队,还有五颜六色的非洲 代表团:披着肯特布的加纳人或者拿着钟表大小的刚果 花花公子。穿着深色西装的中国官员和穿着白色西装的 沙特官员抵消了这种影响。

This year’s event, which took place in Cape Town in February, attracted America’s largest delegation ever, including officials from the White House and departments of state, commerce and energy. Its size reflects America’s hunger for the 50 ucritical minerals” it deems essential to reduce carbon emissions and create green jobs in the process. Though America’s search is global, Africa, home to around 30% of the world5s mineral resources, is a crucial part of the hunt. And by pledging to do mining differently—both from how China does it now and how the West has in the past—America says it will help transform African economies. “The energy transition is an opportunity for an Africa transition/5 says Amos Hochstein, Joe Biden’s envoy for all things concerning energy security.

今年2月在开普敦举行的活动吸引了美国有史以来规模 最大的代表团,其中包括来自白宫以及国务院、商务部 和能源部的官员。它的规模反映了美国对5。种“关键矿 物质”的渴求,美国认为这些矿物质对于减少碳排放和 创造绿色就业机会至关重要。虽然美国的搜寻是全球性 的,但是拥有世界上约30%矿产资源的非洲,是搜寻 工作的重要组成部分。通过承诺改变采矿业的做法,不管是中国现在的做法还是西方过去的做法,美国表 示,这将有助于改变非洲经济。“能源转型是非洲转型 的机遇,”乔•拜登的能源安全事务特使阿莫斯•霍奇斯坦 (Amos Hochstein)表示。



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