铜价可能在未来12个月内飙升至历史新高?甚至可能达到每吨12000美元?理由居然是:中国需求增加将有耗尽本已低迷的库存的风险。Copper prices could surge to a new all-time high within the next 12 months, possibly even hitting $12,000 a tonne. The reason is that increased Chinese demand…

铜价可能在未来12个月内飙升至历史新高?甚至可能达到每吨12000美元?理由居然是:中国需求增加将有耗尽本已低迷的库存的风险。Copper prices could surge to a new all-time high within the next 12 months, possibly even hitting $12,000 a tonne. The reason is that increased Chinese demand…